Thursday, August 25, 2005

good lord

so, i have some issues (like that isn't obvious) so i'm just gonna get it out there.

i know that telemarketers have a job to do....but someone please tell me how many of them are there. sheesh. my phone rings so much i'm going back to work full time. that's not the only reason, i'll get to that later. but MY GOD!!! Stop fucking calling my house. same people, lower my mortgage, switch to dish network, switch to dsl, blah blah blah. my favorite is i've been chosen EVERY DAY....EVERY FUCKING DAY to go on a free vacation, including a cruise to some glorious destination. now, how in the hell could i be so fucking lucky to win a free vacation every day of the week, but i cannot win mega millions to save my life!? just a question. and i feel bad for these people because i've begun to lie to them. will i go to hell for telling them that i don't have a mortgage? i mean really?! we've had our mortgage for a whole two months and it's been sold twice since settlement for the love of god. isn't that all i need?! ok so, on to the other crap.

i got a new job. doing the same stuff, phlebotomy. i'm over the fact that i hate it. it's not something to really hate, i'm fairly good at it. i rarely have to stick someone more than once. i can get blood out of almost anyone. but the monotony of it all is a bit over bearing. i almost want people with difficult veins so that i have something challenging to do that day. so, i gave my notice at the current job and they counter offered at a bunch more money. now, this is a big deal. cuz it's several dollars. so now i really want to stay, but i might have to choke a few co workers! well just one really. mostly because he is a HUGE asshole. now i have to call the other company and hope that they don't counter offer cuz i can't handle a bidding war. so i'll keep you posted. this means full time work again for me. yuck. but i can't handle the poverty bit anymore. there's alot more to this one so i'll have to add later.

my kid starts a new school next week and i'm freaking out. my house is a complete disaster and dirty too. i'm going to work full time to help with making our lives better but i'm scared that it will be a chaotic mess.

my only release lately is Charm City Roller Girls ( CCRG ) i'm busy. i have alot on my plate. so why in the hell did i decide that i needed to join the new roller derby league in b-more?! IT IS SOOOO FUCKING AMAZING AND FUN!!!!!! i cannot tell you how much fun i'm having. i used to use soccer as an outlet when i was a kid. now i can knock girls over and earn points for doing it! i got red carded a lot in soccer (damn that jocie curtis) but now i have found a sport where i can revisit my fav roller skating and knock peeps over and be rewarded....what more is there to ask for.....



Blogger Amy said...

Jocie Curtis... I haven't heard that name in 15 years.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Mama C-ta said...

Well I don't know no Jocie but I don't like the sounds of her.

Glad the roller derby is a good release, it sounds right up yer alley. And yea for more $! Plus Ainster's school sounds awesome from what you've told me

7:14 PM  

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